Letter to Illinois Legislature Supporting Implementation of the Pretrial Fairness Act

November 15, 2022

Dear Honorable Members of the General Assembly,

We write to you today to encourage the full and successful implementation of the Pretrial Fairness Act on January 1, 2023, and to only make changes that stay true to the promise of this historic racial justice legislation.  We recognize that there have been concerns expressed about the legislation, and proposed modifications relating to the Pretrial Fairness Act are being considered. We ask that you stay the course and make only the changes you view as necessary to resolve any potential legal or operational concerns so that the spirit of the Pretrial Fairness Act can be implemented.

CEO Action for Racial Equity is a Fellowship of over 100 signatory organizations from across America, many of whom have significant presence in Illinois. Ranging from manufacturers to accountants, retailers and other suppliers, we mobilize business leaders with diverse expertise to advance public policy.

One of our key priorities is decriminalizing poverty.  Simply, this means confronting the aspects of our justice system that hurt low-income and working-class communities because they lack the means to afford judicial costs. As passed, the Pretrial Fairness Act provisions in the Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today Act (“SAFE-T” Act) remove wealth (i.e., money bond) as the deciding factor for pretrial incarceration in Illinois. Implementing these reforms can improve the lives of many Illinoisans, protect our communities, strengthen our workforce, and save millions of taxpayer dollars currently spent on detaining people who are not a risk to public safety.

Businesses can also benefit, especially given the labor shortage in Illinois. Detaining workers who are not a risk to public safety disrupts business operations with no-call, no shows that lead to an increase in turnover, terminations, and recruitment costs. Implementing the Pretrial Fairness Act can help reduce business disruptions, as well as keep Illinoisians fully participating in the economy while awaiting trial.   

We respectfully request that you continue to balance any potential challenges with the goal of removing wealth as the sole reason for pretrial detention. The General Assembly passed a law which is a model of equitable public safety reform for the whole nation. Its successful implementation can bring much needed equity and fairness to our justice system, and help businesses drive economic growth through building inclusive and sustainable workforces throughout Illinois.

Thank you for your leadership in advancing this reform.



CEO Action for Racial Equity

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